Vitamin E and Sleep


Melatonin is a popular product many people are familiar with, but may not understand why it is so essential.  Melatonin is often referred to as Sleep Hormone and is a natural hormone produced in the pineal gland, but many people do not know it is also produced by bacteria in the gut.  Melatonin plays many…


What Happens While We Sleep

As the day goes on neurotransmitters (nerve signaling chemicals) control whether we are asleep or we are awake.  These neurotransmitters act on different neurons (nerve cells) in the brain.  Serotonin and Norenpinephrine are 2 chemicals that aid in keeping the brain awake and alert. Adenosine begins to accumulate in the brain the longer we are…

Relaxation and Sleep

Supplements for Sleep and Relaxation Support

There are many nutraceuticals with evidence that reinforces their use for both relaxation and sleep support.  Here is a summary of the clinical data and mechanisms for how they work to promote either sleep or relaxation: GABA (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid) For Sleep and Relaxation Support: The balance of Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) and Glutamate, two neurotransmitters…

Potassium and Sleep

Can Potassium Affect Your Body Clock?

According to a new study published in Nature Communications, human red blood cells (RBCs) circadian rhythms may be regulated by Potassium. Concentrations of Potassium in RBC increased during the day and declined at night.  These significant fluctuations in RBC Potassium levels followed the circadian rhythms. Pharmacological chemicals were used by researchers to either block or…

Sleep and Probiotics

Study Finds Link Between Gut Microbiota, Sleep Quality and Cognitive Flexibility

According to a new study, poor sleep quality was linked with composition of the gut microbiome and cognitive flexibility in healthy older adults.  Low amounts of bacteria in the phyla Verrucomicrobia and Lentisphaerae, were associated with poor sleep quality as well as performance on specific cognitive tests. Stool samples were provided by study participants.  Data…

Can’t Sleep?

Gaba Ingredient Shows Sleep Benefits: A new study finds GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) may aid people in falling asleep faster.  Researchers also found longer, successive deep, non-REM, stages of sleep, known to be the most beneficial portion of the sleep cycle, with GABA supplementation. What is GABA?  According to Web MD : GABA, technically an amino…