gut health probiotics

Nestle`-Backed Study Links Probiotic Strain and Depression

A new study backed by Nestle` shows a specific strain of a probiotic, Bifidobacterium longum, helped relieve symptoms of depression as well as alleviating gastrointestinal upsets. Over 40 adults who had experienced Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in addition to mild to moderate amounts of depression or anxiety participated in this study.   Half the group took…

Probiotics and Immune

Could Probiotics Restore Microbiome Imbalance Linked to Auto-Immune Disorder?

A new study finds that probiotics may aid in restoring imbalances in gut bacterial in patients with the auto-immune disorder systemic sclerosis.  Systemic sclerosis affects connective tissue in the body.  It is not a common condition, but results in the skin thickening and becoming hard.  Occasionally this condition creates problems with blood vessels and internal…

Digestive Health

Digestive Health Digest

In the past, when discussing digestive health, products targeting the prevention of gas and bloating, indigestion, diarrhea and constipation were in the forefront.  Specific conditions usually addressed were Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Colon Cancer prevention and general support for healthy elimination.  Products like Fiber and Oat Bran were touted as providing cardiovascular support as well…

Probiotics and brain function

Probiotics Improve Cognitive Function Among Patients With Severe Dementia

A new clinical trial with Alzheimer’s patients shows that probiotics may improve cognitive function in humans.  Prior studies showing probiotics benefits for improvements in memory and learning as well as anxiety and depression reduction have been done with mice. 60 patients with Alzheimer’s disease participated in this double blind, controlled trial.  Patients ranged in age…

Are you a toxic person?

Are you a toxic person?  I am not referring to a mental state, I am referring to a physical state.  Throughout the year we might not eat as healthy as we should or we might intake a little more alcohol than we planned or we might not get to work out as often as we…