Micronutrients and Birth Complicatons

Micronutrient Supplementation During Pregnancy May Reduce Birth Complications

According to scientists in the US, a diet which includes Iron, Folic Acid and Vitamin Supplementation during pregnancy may reduce birth complications. Almost 100,000 women were surveyed to find adverse birth outcomes experienced during pregnancy in this six year study.  The participants were asked to follow four routine supplementation strategies before week 24 in their…

Multi Vitamin and Pregnancy

Multivitamin May Have Pregnancy Benefits Over Folic Acid and Iron Alone

New research shows taking a daily multivitamin may provide better benefits for pregnant women than supplementation with iron and folic acid alone.  Preterm births were reduced and increases in infant birth weight were seen in this randomized controlled trial. Approximately 45,000 women from rural Bangladesh were recruited to participate in this study.  Each woman was…