According to a large prospective cohort study, the speed of Cognitive Decline may be reduced with a diet rich in Vitamin E and Carotenoids.
Over 3,700 individuals, ages 30 to 65, participated in the HANDLS (The Healthy Aging in Neighborhoods of Diversity across the Life Span) cohort study. Participants underwent a fasting blood draw, a physical exam, an electrocardiogram, a dual energy X-ray absorptiometry scan, a cognitive assessment and a second 24 hour dietary recall. During the period from 2009 – 2013 a first follow up visit (v2) occurred. The v2 consisted of a Magnetic Resonance Venography (MRV) an in-depth exam which was used to ascertain cognitive performance. Almost 2,500 participants took part in the v2.
Researchers found a consistent synergism between total and individual Carotenoids and Vitamin E when examining baseline cognitive performance in verbal fluency, verbal memory, working memory, attention and executive function. Researchers concluded that a diet high in Vitmain E and Carotenoids including Lycopene may reduce the likelihood of cognitive decline in the short term especially in the area of verbal memory.
One of the factors that accelerate cognitive decline is believed to be oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body. Oxidative stress could contribute to neurodegenerative type diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and other age-related diseases like cancer and cardiovascular disease. Due to DNA repair impairments that occur with aging Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) can accumulate. The brain is believed to be particularly vulnerable to ROS. The brain accounts for approximately 20% of all bodily oxygen consumption. This means exposure to free radicals could trigger unfavorable DNA modifications in the brain. In taking antioxidants has been shown to decrease lipid peroxidation, DNA and protein oxidative damage, apoptosis, and the production of ROS.
Further studies are needed.