Infant Eczema and Probiotics

Infant Eczema and Probiotics

Results from a new meta-analysis shows supplementation with both Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus during pregnancy may reduce the risk of infant Eczema.  Starting the Probiotic supplementation after infant birth did not show the same effect. This meta-analysis which was published in Nutrients looked at 9 individual studies and studied the occurrence of Eczema in almost 2100…

Omega 3 prenatal

Maternal Intake of Fish, Omega-3s and Omega-6s Linked to Child Neurodevelopment

A new large scale review recently published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported significant differences in children whose mother’s consumed large amounts of Fish and Omega-3s in comparison to mothers that did not.  Prior observational studies have established some evidence that taking Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) during pregnancy might be beneficial to…