Meta-Analysis Rejects Safety Concerns Over Calcium Supplementation for Increasing Coronary Heart Disease Risk

According to a recent meta-analysis elderly women who supplement with calcium are not at an increased risk of either all-cause mortality or coronary heart disease. Researchers took data from over 18 randomized clinical trials.  Over 63,000 individuals participated in the trials with over 3,300 coronary heart disease events (CHD) and over 4,100 deaths.  Data from…

Vitamin E

The Health Benefits of Vitamin E

Vitamin E, an antioxidant, is a fat-soluble nutrient and can only be obtained through food or through supplementation.  It is well known for its benefits for the skin, however it also beneficially for the heart and the brain.  A deficiency of Vitamin E is usually caused by a genetic abnormality or a fat malabsorption disorder.…

Omega-3 and Coronary Heart Disease

Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements Linked to Lower CHD Death Risk

According to a new study that emphasizes the protective effects of supplementing the diet with Omega-3 fish oils, a 26% lower risk of dying from Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) was associated with Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acid supplementation. Over 22,000 individuals between the ages of 39 and 79 participated in this study that stretched over a…