Vitamin E

The Health Benefits of Vitamin E

Vitamin E, an antioxidant, is a fat-soluble nutrient and can only be obtained through food or through supplementation.  It is well known for its benefits for the skin, however it also beneficially for the heart and the brain.  A deficiency of Vitamin E is usually caused by a genetic abnormality or a fat malabsorption disorder.…

UV Protection

Lycopene, Lutein Supplements Show Skin Protection From Within Against UV Radiation

A new study has found supplementing lutein or lycopene, a rich tomato nutrient, may protect against the damage of UV skin exposure.  The findings of the study show oral supplementation with either of these carotenoids may change the expression of genes that are indicators of photo-aging, pho-dermatoses and oxidative stress. 65 participants between the ages…