High Blood Pressure

Meta-Analysis Digs Deeper into Magnesium’s Potential to Lower Blood Pressure

A causal effect of magnesium supplementation for lowering blood pressure in adults was seen in a recent meta-analysis. Data from 34 randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trials was reviewed.  Over 2,000 individuals, including normo-tensive and hypertensive people, between the ages of 18 and 84 were included in these trials. Study participants received either a 368 mg/day magnesium…

Chromium May Lower Diabetes Risk

Chromium May Lower Diabetes Risk: According to new research people supplementing with chromium, a trace mineral, may be less likely to develop Type-2 Diabetes. Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey was analyzed.  Researchers concluded that the odds of having Type 2 diabetes were reduced in people who had consumed supplements containing chromium…