Supplements and COVID

Supplement Route For COVID-19 Especially Valuable For High-Risk Obese, Review Thinks

According to researchers, using Vitamins, Minerals and Fatty Acid Supplements when battling coronavirus, especially for patients who are obese and are more susceptible to the effects of the virus, are important. It is believed that supplementing these nutrients may reduce proinflammatory protein levels as well as side effects in patients with the virus.  Citing many…

Zinc and Selenium for Healthy Immune System

Zinc and Selenium: 2 Minerals Essential For Healthy Immunity

The normal functioning of the immune system relies on adequate nutrition, even though some nutrients are more important than others in supporting your body’s ability to defend itself from infections.  Zinc and Selenium are 2 of these essentials and deficiencies in either of these minerals can both increase your susceptibility to infection and also worsen…

Vitamins and COVID-19

Dietary Supplements May Be an Important Weapon for Fighting off Respiratory Conditions including COVID-19

According to a researcher from Oregon State University, supplements that contain Vitamin D and Vitamin C in addition to other micronutrients, sometimes in dosages exceeding the Recommended Daily Allowances, are an effective, low cost and safe way of aiding the body’s Immune System in fighting off acute respiratory tract diseases and even COVID-19.  The findings…

Zinc and Inflammation

Zinc May Help Battle Infections by Moderating Immune Responses

Researchers believe Zinc’s ability to support the immune system in fighting off infections may lie in its ability to shut off and kick start immune pathways. A new study shows the mineral Zinc plays an important role in controlling how the body responds to infections by slowing various immune system pathways.  It seems that if…

Zinc and Immune Support

Zinc Supplements May Cut Infections in the Elderly

A new trial implies daily Zinc supplementation may significantly reduce infections in the elderly while improving the overall antioxidant status of this group of the population. 50 healthy male and female individuals between the ages of 55 and 87 participated in this double-blind, placebo controlled study.  Participants were randomly assigned to receive either a daily…


The Mineral Balancing Act

As we all know, minerals are as important as vitamins for many bodily functions.  Deficiencies in minerals are likely to lead to health issues over time.  61% of all Americans over the age of 19, intake less magnesium then required daily while 49% of all Americans take in less calcium than is required.  In addition…