A new alarming trend is appearing, antibiotic resistance, and researchers are looking at ways to stop it. Overuse of antibiotics is considered to be a major cause of antibiotic resistance. Additionally antibiotics can cause havoc on the microbiome of the gut. Researchers are looking at “helper compounds”, non-antibiotic compounds that enhance the efficacy of antibiotics. CBD is one of these potential helper compounds that are being studied.
Researchers have begun testing the antimicrobial affects of CBD against MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) a Gram-positive bacterium known for its resistance to many different antibiotics and also against MRSE (methicillin-resistan Staphylococcus epidermidis (MRSE), Listeria monocytogenes, and Enterococcus faecalis. They then began testing the effects of CBD and the antibiotic Bacitracin (BAC) in combination against different Gram-postive bacteria to see if CBD could improve the antimicrobial effects of the antibiotic.
They found that in combination, CBD and BAC were effective in aiding to fight off normally antibiotic-resistant bacteria. For example when tested against S. aureus, the combination of BAC and CBD caused changes in the bacterial cells impairing cell division and causing the bacteria to be unable to divide normally. These effects were not seen with either the CBD or the BAC alone. Researchers concluded that the combination of CBD and BAC could prove to be an effective clinical treatment of infections with antibiotic-resistant Gram-positive bacteria.
Further research is needed.
Here is the scoop on CBD:
CBD (cannabidiol), is a phytocannabinoid. It is found in hemp and research is continuing to find new ways this phytocannabinoid supports the body. CBD is derived from the leaves and flowers of the hemp plant. CBD supports the endocannabinoid system which aids the body in supporting overall wellness and many of the body’s overall physical processes, like sleeplessness, digestion, cognition and the nervous system.
CBD itself is only one compound found in hemp. Research supports the benefits of using hemp’s assortment of phtyocannabinoids, like terpenes, flavonoids and other important compounds to provide a synergestic benefit to achieve maximum results when using CBD products.