
The Mineral Balancing Act

As we all know, minerals are as important as vitamins for many bodily functions.  Deficiencies in minerals are likely to lead to health issues over time.  61% of all Americans over the age of 19, intake less magnesium then required daily while 49% of all Americans take in less calcium than is required.  In addition…

Magnesium Muscle and Performance

Effect of Oral Magnesium Supplementation on Physical Performance in Healthy Elderly Women Involved in a Weekly Exercise Program

A new study found that 12 weeks of supplementation with Magnesium Oxide improved physical performance in elderly women who were healthy at the onset of the study. 139 women participated in this study.  These women with a mean age of 71.5 years all attended a fitness program involving mild exercise.  Participants were randomly assigned to…

Calcium and Bone Density in Postmenpausal Women

Calcium Supplementation Could Prevent Reduced Bone Density in Active Post-Menopausal Women

A new study found supplementation with Calcium could prevent exercise associated reductions in bone density in post menopausal women. 33 women between the age of 57 and 65 participated in this double-blind, randomized, cross over study.  The first group of 10 women, drank a sports drink with 1000 mg of calcium added one hour before…

Potassium and Sleep

Can Potassium Affect Your Body Clock?

According to a new study published in Nature Communications, human red blood cells (RBCs) circadian rhythms may be regulated by Potassium. Concentrations of Potassium in RBC increased during the day and declined at night.  These significant fluctuations in RBC Potassium levels followed the circadian rhythms. Pharmacological chemicals were used by researchers to either block or…

Potassium and Hardening of the Arteries

Dietary Potassium May Alleviate Hardening of the Arteries

A new mouse study recently published shows Potassium may protect against vascular calcification (hardening of the arteries).  Additionally increased aortic stiffness was also seen in the mouse model when compared with normal Potassium fed mice.  Arterial stiffness in humans is usually a predictor of heart disease and cardiovascular mortality. Mice prone to atherosclerosis were fed…