Vitamin E

The Health Benefits of Vitamin E

Vitamin E, an antioxidant, is a fat-soluble nutrient and can only be obtained through food or through supplementation.  It is well known for its benefits for the skin, however it also beneficially for the heart and the brain.  A deficiency of Vitamin E is usually caused by a genetic abnormality or a fat malabsorption disorder.…

Potassium and Hardening of the Arteries

Dietary Potassium May Alleviate Hardening of the Arteries

A new mouse study recently published shows Potassium may protect against vascular calcification (hardening of the arteries).  Additionally increased aortic stiffness was also seen in the mouse model when compared with normal Potassium fed mice.  Arterial stiffness in humans is usually a predictor of heart disease and cardiovascular mortality. Mice prone to atherosclerosis were fed…


Dietary Potassium Linked with Lower Blood Pressure

A new meta-analysis of several population studies has found that increasing dietary potassium may help with supporting healthier blood pressure levels.  Researchers looked at the link between blood pressure and dietary potassium, sodium and the ratio between potassium and sodium. Researchers found that the higher the dietary potassium, measured from dietary recall and urinary excretion,…