Folic Acid and Autism Risk

Maternal Use of Folic Acid and Vitamins Linked to Reduced Autism Risk in Children

According to a study done in Israel, mothers who supplement with a Multivitamin and Folic Acid, both before and during their pregnancy, reduce their child’s risk factors for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Researchers studied Israeli children born between January 1, 2003 and December 31, 2007.  Participants were followed up from birth to January 26, 2015…

Potassium and Sleep

Can Potassium Affect Your Body Clock?

According to a new study published in Nature Communications, human red blood cells (RBCs) circadian rhythms may be regulated by Potassium. Concentrations of Potassium in RBC increased during the day and declined at night.  These significant fluctuations in RBC Potassium levels followed the circadian rhythms. Pharmacological chemicals were used by researchers to either block or…