According to a researcher from Oregon State University, supplements that contain Vitamin D and Vitamin C in addition to other micronutrients, sometimes in dosages exceeding the Recommended Daily Allowances, are an effective, low cost and safe way of aiding the body’s Immune System in fighting off acute respiratory tract diseases and even COVID-19. The findings were published in April in the journal Nutrients.
Specific Vitamins, Minerals and Essential Fatty Acids all have a key job to play in supporting the Immune System. Vitamins C, D, Zinc and Omega-3 are critical to Immune function. Although the roles of both Vitamin C and Vitamin D are particularly well know, researchers stress that Vitamin C has multiple roles in many aspects of Immune Health, including the function and growth of Immune Cells as well as Antibody production. Vitamin D receptors on an Immune Cell affect the function of that Immune Cell. This means the Vitamin D is essential for influencing how the body responses to infections.
Researchers stressed that unfortunately people in today’s society are not ingesting enough of these nutrients through their food sources which could play havoc with the body’s response to infections.
Researchers urged people to supplement their diet with not only a daily multivitamin but to add a daily dose of Vitamin C and Vitamin D as well. These nutritional recommendations should come as a complement to the messages public health officials are now issuing about the role of hand washing and vaccinations as a means to prevent the spread of infections.
Acute respiratory tract infections kill over 2.5 million people yearly worldwide. Influenza hospitalizes millions yearly in addition to killing several hundred thousand people worldwide. Researchers point to the large amounts of data that show good nutrition plays a needed role in Immune System support. Researchers stressed the importance of stressing this message especially during these times of increased panic and stress.