Study Adds Weight to Link Between COVID-19 and Vitamin D

A new study with over 9,900 participants adds to the growing research that shows supplementation with Vitamin D may reduce the intensity of the COVID-19 virus. In this current study researchers from the Germany Cancer Research Center looked at the prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency and its association with mortality from respiratory diseases…

Vitamins and COVID-19

Dietary Supplements May Be an Important Weapon for Fighting off Respiratory Conditions including COVID-19

According to a researcher from Oregon State University, supplements that contain Vitamin D and Vitamin C in addition to other micronutrients, sometimes in dosages exceeding the Recommended Daily Allowances, are an effective, low cost and safe way of aiding the body’s Immune System in fighting off acute respiratory tract diseases and even COVID-19.  The findings…

Zinc and Immune Support

Zinc Supplements May Cut Infections in the Elderly

A new trial implies daily Zinc supplementation may significantly reduce infections in the elderly while improving the overall antioxidant status of this group of the population. 50 healthy male and female individuals between the ages of 55 and 87 participated in this double-blind, placebo controlled study.  Participants were randomly assigned to receive either a daily…