Weight Loss Sucess 2

Weight Loss Success (Part 2)

Body Fat Reducers: Choline, Inositol, Methionine (Lipotropic Factors): The lipotropic nutrients, Choline, Inositol, Methionine and Betaine HCL are nutritional factors which breakdown (emulsify) fats.  They actually help the liver to create lecithin, which is a primary lipotropic agent in the body.  Choline has been clinically demonstrated to protect the liver from alcohol damage in addition…

Weight Loss Success

Weight Loss Success

One of the hardest choices to make is what supplement should one take to help them achieve their healthy lifestyle goals.  This is especially true when you are dealing with Weight Loss.   One person’s weight loss success is another person’s weight loss failure.  Why?  I believe the best way to achieve Weight Loss Success has…

Weight Loss and Probiotics

Probiotics Backed for Weight Loss Benefits

A new meta analysis and review shows Probiotic supplementation containing various strains of Lactobacillus have been shown to cause a small but statistically significant weight loss in overweight and obese individuals. 15 studies of Probiotic supplementation studies were reviewed.  Larger reductions in body weight, BMI (body mass index) and fat percentages were seen in the…

Are you over 40 and sick of Belly Fat?

Fish Oil May Fight Midlife Bloat

New research suggests that supplementing with Omega 3 essential fatty acids may fight middle-age bloat, those extra pounds that appear as a person ages.  It seems the Omega 3’s found in fish oil transform fat storage cells into fat-burning cells by activating receptors in the digestive tract which causes the sympathetic nervous system to fire…