omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 Intake Could Present Long-Awaited Relief for Cancer Patients with Mucositis

A new study found oral supplementation with Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids may help treat and prevent wounds caused by Mucositis (mouth ulcers and inflammation) in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.  Mucositis is a potential side effect of chemotherapy.  An overwhelming number of cancer patients (80%) with neck and head malignancies in addition to cancer patients on…

Probiotics and Childhood Obesity

Probiotics in Pregnancy Could Protect Against Childhood Obesity

According to researchers taking probiotics during pregnancy and breast feeding may modify genes related to obesity in both the mother and their infants. 15 pregnant women participated in this double-blinded randomized controlled (RCT) pilot study.  7 of the women were randomly chosen to supplement with a Probiotic which contained 10 Billion of each Lactobacillus rhamnosus…

Melatonin and Anti-Aging

Could Melatonin Promote Healthy Ageing?

A new review published in the British Journal of Pharmacology suggests supplementation with Melatonin may lessen the decreases in the strength of the circadian system seen with ageing.  Melatonin is associated with helping people fall asleep more rapidly as well as helping to realign sleep cycles to a normal dark/light pattern in people who are…

Folic Acid and Autism Risk

Maternal Use of Folic Acid and Vitamins Linked to Reduced Autism Risk in Children

According to a study done in Israel, mothers who supplement with a Multivitamin and Folic Acid, both before and during their pregnancy, reduce their child’s risk factors for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Researchers studied Israeli children born between January 1, 2003 and December 31, 2007.  Participants were followed up from birth to January 26, 2015…