Vitamin E

The Health Benefits of Vitamin E

Vitamin E, an antioxidant, is a fat-soluble nutrient and can only be obtained through food or through supplementation.  It is well known for its benefits for the skin, however it also beneficially for the heart and the brain.  A deficiency of Vitamin E is usually caused by a genetic abnormality or a fat malabsorption disorder.…

Chlorella and oxygenation

Chlorella Supplementation May Raise Oxygen Uptake and Fight Micronutrient Deficiency

A new study finds Chlorella, a unicellular green alga, may increase maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) as well as nutrient levels in individuals whom are micronutrient-deficient. 34 male college students participated in this recent study.  Participants were split into two groups, one group received a Chlorella supplement and the other group received a placebo.  Participants…