Vitamins and Cardiovascular Health

Specific Supplement Regimen Combined With A Healthy Diet Significantly Lowers Cardio Vascular Disease Risk

A new study found a healthy diet in combination with a specific set of supplements significantly lowered the risk of developing Cardiovascular Disease. Almost 70,000 participants participated in this epidemiological study.  Participants were all 45 years and above and were a part of the 45 and Up Study which had a ten-year follow up period.…

Probiotics Improve Aerobic Capacity

Probiotics Improve Aerobic Capacity and Reduce Stress in Athletes

A new clinical study found Probiotic supplementation can aid in aerobic capacity improvements as well as anxiety and stress relief in athletes. 30 badminton players ages 18 to 30 participated in this randomized placebo-controlled study.  Participants were randomly divided into a Probiotic group or a control group.  The study lasted for 6 weeks.  Participants underwent…