Omega 3 and Childhood Brain Development

Omega-3’s Associated With Better Executive Function in Cohort of Young Children

New research has found young children outperformed their peers on a measure of executive function when they had higher levels of Omega’s in their blood. Over 300 children between the ages of 2 thru 6 years of age were participated in this recent study.  Blood spots tests were used to measure the participants Omega-3 index. …

Resveratrol-Green Tea and Neurodegeneraton

Actions of Green Tea and Red Wine Compounds May Slow Neurodegeneration

New research suggests the nutritional compounds (phytonutreints) found naturally in Red Wine (Tannic Acid-TA) and Green Tea (EGCG-Epigallocatechin gallate) may inhibit the creation of the toxic metabolites that contribute to the progressive loss of function and structure of neurons, including the death of neurons which are seen in Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease. These nutritional…

Vitamin E

The Health Benefits of Vitamin E

Vitamin E, an antioxidant, is a fat-soluble nutrient and can only be obtained through food or through supplementation.  It is well known for its benefits for the skin, however it also beneficially for the heart and the brain.  A deficiency of Vitamin E is usually caused by a genetic abnormality or a fat malabsorption disorder.…