Lutein and Brain

Study Ties Nutrition to Brain Health and Intelligence in Older Adults

A new study has found that the pigment found in leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables, lutein, may preserve “crystallized intelligence”, the ability to use the knowledge and skills acquired by a person over their lifetime, in older adults. 122 people ranging in age from 65 to 75 years of age participated in this study.  Participants…

Probiotics and Cognition in Alzheimer's

Study Finds Probiotics May Improve Cognition in Alzheimer’s Patients

According to a new study, probiotics may improve cognitive function in humans.  This is the first time research has shown supplementation of probiotics, friendly bacteria, may aid individuals with Alzheimer’s. 52 women and men between the ages of 60 and 95 with Alzheimer’s Disease participated in this randomized, double blind, controlled clinical trial.  The study…

Sleep and Probiotics

Study Finds Link Between Gut Microbiota, Sleep Quality and Cognitive Flexibility

According to a new study, poor sleep quality was linked with composition of the gut microbiome and cognitive flexibility in healthy older adults.  Low amounts of bacteria in the phyla Verrucomicrobia and Lentisphaerae, were associated with poor sleep quality as well as performance on specific cognitive tests. Stool samples were provided by study participants.  Data…

Magnesium and Dementia

Magnesium Status and Dementia: Is There a Link ?

A new study published in Neurology, shows people with either low or high blood levels of Magnesium may have a higher risk of developing dementia. Approximately 9,500 individuals participated in this prospective study.  Participants with an average age of 65 who did not have dementia were followed for an average of 8 years.  Serum Magnesium…

Ginkgo Biloba enhances Performance Cognition

Ginkgo May Enhance Performance, Boost Brain Health for Active Men

According to a small study extracts of Ginkgo Biloba may offer both mind and body advantages for young active men. 18 young active men participated in this study.  Participants were randomly assigned to receive either a standardized extract of Ginkgo Biloba or a placebo.  The study lasted six weeks.  Improvements in VO2max (maximal oxygen uptake)…

Folic Acid and Cognitive Impairment

Folic Acid and Dementia: Supplementation Benefits Elderly People with Mild Cognitive Decline

Elderly people with mild cognitive impairment saw significant improvements in both cognitive performance and reduced inflammation when supplementing with 400 mcg of Folic Acid daily for a period of 12 months. Over 150 seniors with mild cognitive impairment were randomly assigned to two groups.  One group received daily Folic Acid supplementation (400 mcg) and the…

Cognitive Function

Vitamin A Status At Birth Linked to Long-Term Risk of Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s

A new study has found elderly individuals with low Vitamin A levels may be more at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease along with lower brain functioning.  Additionally the study found the even a marginal Vitamin A deficiency at birth might affect long-term risk factors. This new study was made up of findings from mouse models…