B Vitamins and COVID-19

Vitamin B Could Help Prevent The “Worst Outcomes” in COVID-19 Cases

With the severity of the COVID-19 immune system overreaction, known as a “cytokine storm”, in some COVID-19 patients, doctors remain focused on finding treatments to slow or stop this deadly storm.  Experts in the nutrition world are also looking to find ways to stop it before it even begins.  Early into the pandemic health experts…

Study Adds Weight to Link Between COVID-19 and Vitamin D

A new study with over 9,900 participants adds to the growing research that shows supplementation with Vitamin D may reduce the intensity of the COVID-19 virus. In this current study researchers from the Germany Cancer Research Center looked at the prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency and its association with mortality from respiratory diseases…

Vitamins and COVID-19

Dietary Supplements May Be an Important Weapon for Fighting off Respiratory Conditions including COVID-19

According to a researcher from Oregon State University, supplements that contain Vitamin D and Vitamin C in addition to other micronutrients, sometimes in dosages exceeding the Recommended Daily Allowances, are an effective, low cost and safe way of aiding the body’s Immune System in fighting off acute respiratory tract diseases and even COVID-19.  The findings…

Zinc and Inflammation

Zinc May Help Battle Infections by Moderating Immune Responses

Researchers believe Zinc’s ability to support the immune system in fighting off infections may lie in its ability to shut off and kick start immune pathways. A new study shows the mineral Zinc plays an important role in controlling how the body responds to infections by slowing various immune system pathways.  It seems that if…

Probiotics and Immune

Could Probiotics Restore Microbiome Imbalance Linked to Auto-Immune Disorder?

A new study finds that probiotics may aid in restoring imbalances in gut bacterial in patients with the auto-immune disorder systemic sclerosis.  Systemic sclerosis affects connective tissue in the body.  It is not a common condition, but results in the skin thickening and becoming hard.  Occasionally this condition creates problems with blood vessels and internal…

Can Vitamin A Put An End to Colon Cancer ?

Current research by Swiss scientists at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne suggests Vitamin A has promise in preventing cancer cells from growing. When a patient is undergoing chemotherapy for colon cancer most cancer cells die off, however genetic mutations that may have caused the cancer initially, may survive.  These surviving cancer cells block a…