B Vitamins

Vitamin B’s Women’s Benefits: Supplementation Boosts Convention Yeast Infection Treatment RCT Finds

According to a new study supplementing with Vitamin B along with doing the conventional treatment can help treat complicated cases of vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC).  VVC is a fungal infection caused by the Candida species, the second major cause of vaginitis in women, with the first major cause being bacterial vaginitis.  75% of women are infected…

High Blood Pressure

L-Arginine-B Vitamin Combination Effective for Blood Pressure Improvements

A new study has found a combination of the amino acid L-Arginine, Folic Acid, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 may improve vascular function in addition to supporting a reduction in blood pressure. 81 people participated in this placebo-controlled clinical trial.  Study participants ranged in age from 40 to 65 years of age and were randomly…

heart disease

Vitamin D Linked to Cholesterol Levels and Cardiovascular Risk

A new study found a Vitamin D deficiency could be associated with a higher ratio of total cholesterol to HDL in addition to lower levels of HDL-cholesterol.  This higher ratio of total cholesterol to HDL has been associated with increased cardiovascular risks more than those seen with other cholesterol measures like LDL-cholesterol (often called bad…

Fish Oil

Fish Oil Asthma Benefits May Be Blocked By Medication

Although it has been seen that supplementation with Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids could lessen allergic reactions and asthma symptoms by reducing the production of antibodies, researchers believe that these benefits may be hampered by asthma medication. Cell cultures from 17 Asthma patients were used.  Researchers found that introducing Omega-3 Essential Fatty acids could reduce the…