Probiotics for Functional Constipation

Meta-Analysis Offers “Cautious Optimism” for Efficacy of Probiotics for Functional Constipation

A new meta-analysis of 14 Randomized controlled trials shows probiotic supplementation with Bifidobacterium lactis, a specific strain of friendly bacteria, may help individuals with constipation by improving stool consistency and transit time. Functional constipation or chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC) affects approximately 14% of the population.  Besides the affect on the patients quality of life (both…

Vitamin E and Sleep


Melatonin is a popular product many people are familiar with, but may not understand why it is so essential.  Melatonin is often referred to as Sleep Hormone and is a natural hormone produced in the pineal gland, but many people do not know it is also produced by bacteria in the gut.  Melatonin plays many…

Metabolic Syndrome and Vitamin C

Metabolic Syndrome Patients Need More Vitamin C to Break Cycle of Antioxidant Depletion

Researchers say a higher intake of Vitamin C is necessary for metabolic syndrome patients trying to stop a potentially deadly cycle of health-related problems and antioxidant disruption.  35% of the adult population in the United States is believed to suffer from metabolic syndrome. Saturated fat, which is high in many people’s diets here in the…